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  • Writer's pictureCourtnie Newcomb


The Bible tells us the story of Jesus' death three days prior. He was betrayed, denied, beaten, and hung on a cross to die. Imagine being a Mother or even just a friend watching this happening to who you know is a good person? How awful it must have been to watch but even more to go through it. Jesus did only what His Father asked of Him to do and He was crucified for spreading the message of God, our Father. God literally allowed His only son to be hung on the cross to bear the weight of our sins. That's a lot to take in. Nonetheless, not knowing that three days later He would rise again, He was beaten and hung on the cross to die by people who didn't believe in His message. He was even denied by his own friend. Then, after He had died on the cross, He was removed, buried and a rock was put in front with guards that stood watch over His tomb while His mother wept for her son's death. It seemed as though the good battle had been lost. Hope was lost. Satan was winning.

Until today. The rock had been moved aside by an Angel who appeared as a white smoke and told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, that He was not there that HE HAS RISEN just as He said He would!!! Simply amazing!!!

Hope had been lost but then on this day, it was restored. For me, today is about remembering that hope is NEVER lost even when all seems hopeless. That God, our ever loving God, has always been here and will always be here, not just with me, but in this world. It's a day for me to reflect on all that seems lost in the world and wrong and remember that He is still in control, I need not worry but pray and give thanks.

How amazing is it to be loved so deeply that our God was willing to sacrifice His only son for us? Imagine being a parent and sacrificing a child for the greater good of everyone else. It seems unfathomable because the truth is, none of us would. We would sacrifice ourselves before our own children any day, any time. We'll take a bullet for our kids, walk through fire literally, push them out of the way of danger even if it means putting ourselves in the line of that danger. That is what parents do. So imagine sacrificing your only one. Yet He raised His Son from the grave and brought Him to life in Heaven so that our sins can be forgiven and we can have eternal life in Heaven with our Father come our time. Until then, we must go through this life and endure all that life throws at us knowing that someday we will walk beside our Father, the Angels and those who leave this Earth before us. We have to fight the worldly fights with hope and faith so strong we can move mountains with that strength. If Jesus could endure being crucified, we can endure everything else.

But today, we are celebrating that everlasting and powerful love. We celebrate not His death but Him rising again. We celebrate His promises to us. We celebrate Jesus, the Son of God, who died and was brought back to life so that we can have eternal life with Him also when we are called home.

Today, whether you believe in Jesus Chris or not, I truly hope you are all blessed abundantly with a day filled with family, love and peace. Happy Easter!!

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